Taking responsibility

As a social company, Enexis Groep aims to make the energy supply in the Netherlands more sustainable and is committed to the goals of the Climate Agreement. In addition, we take our responsibility in making our business operations more sustainable. With our daily work and our CSR ambitions and results, we contribute to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

We made a deliberate decision to focus on a number of specific SDG goals that suit us and where we see a corporate social responsibility for ourselves. This means there are three SDGs which we contribute to, that connect seamlessly with our core activities. These three SDG goals are intertwined with our mission, vision and strategy. Next to this, we contribute to another four SDGs from our business operations and we apply a no-harm principle for the other SDGs.

Indirect contribution to other SDG's

We apply a no-harm principle for the other SDGs.


Working together for sustainable development

Collaboration, both internal and external, is crucial to achieve the goals for sustainable development. For example, we work together with other parties in the infrastructure sector on sustainable infrastructures in the Green Networks coalition and we endorse the Sustainable Grid Charter at European level. We feel supported by the thousands of companies that - just like us - strive for a better world and commit to the SDGs. In our social activities we choose to focus on themes that fit our organization in order to achieve the greatest possible social impact.

A sustainable investment opportunity

For investors, the degree of sustainability in investment portfolio’s is increasingly an important decision factor. That is why we highly value transparency about our sustainable efforts. This shows that an investment in Enexis Groep is a sustainable investment.

We do this by means of the so-called Environment, Social & Governance rating (ESG). The ESG rating is determined, among other things, by energy consumption, climate, availability of raw materials, health, safety and good corporate governance. Our ESG score has improved in recent years and we are proud of our strong position in the sector.