Our contribution

Through our reliable energy infrastructure, we give households and companies in the Netherlands access to energy. We support provinces and municipalities in the development of Regional Energy Strategies and by taking the local situation into account we support economic, social and ecological development in our catchment area. We also take the lead in the development of innovative solutions with the aim of keeping our future energy supply affordable and making it more sustainable. These core activities connect seamlessly with three SDGs, which are interwoven with our mission, vision and strategy (it is our right to exist).

SDG 7: Affordable & clean energy

Enexis Groep gives consumers and companies access to energy through our energy infrastructure. We take the lead in the development of innovative solutions that keep the energy supply affordable and make it more sustainable. We prepare our networks for an increase in renewable energy, such as biogas and hydrogen. In this way our customers are also assured of a safe, reliable and affordable energy supply in the future.

SDG 9: Industry, innovation & infastructure

Our role as grid operator is to work on reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Our starting point is to keep energy affordable and accessible for everyone. That is why we work on cost-efficient solutions for a sustainable, local and above all safe energy supply. We also simplify our processes and systems, so that customers can arrange their affairs effortlessly and at any time.