Socially responsible procurement (SRP)

As a grid operator, we want to take responsibility in the transition to a sustainable society. This is why we have developed Socially Responsible Procurement. Themes from this policy are part of wishes and requirements in our European tenders:

  • People, such as sustainable employability.
  • Material, such as preventing or recycling waste.
  • Environment, such as reducing energy consumption.

Purchasing conditions

Enexis Groep applies the following general purchasing conditions. In addition to these conditions, the various companies within Enexis Groep may agree on specific conditions with suppliers.

Code of conduct

Every purchase order of Enexis Groep and its affiliated companies is in any case subject to the Suppliers Code of Conduct, which guarantees that our suppliers not only comply with all applicable laws and regulations, but also with the principles contained therein.

This code of conduct further explains a number of principles relating to corporate social responsibility. By entering into a contract with Enexis, the supplier not only commits itself to all applicable laws and regulations, but also to these basic principles.

Data breach notification obligation

As of 1 January 2016, organisations are legally required to report the loss of personal data or unlawful processing of personal data to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Procurement complaints desk

As a contracting authority, we are bound by the Procurement Act (Aanbestedingswet) and the Guide Proportionality (Gids Proportionaliteit) and follow the principles of transparency, equal treatment and proportionality in our contracts for works, services or supplies.

We have also set up a Complaints Desk for complaints relating to procurement procedures (below or above the European threshold for procurement) of Enexis Netbeheer B.V. or of another company belonging to the Enexis Group.