Head office

Our head office is a sustainable building with an A+ energy label. 'De Croon' is situated within walkin distance from the central station of ’s-Hertogenbosch. Which makes Enexis Groep easily accessible with public transportation. Our location is also easily accessible by car. There is plenty of room for parking in the 'Paleiskwartier'.

Address 'de Croon'

Magistratenlaan 116
5223 MB ‘s-Hertogenbosch

P.O. Box
Postbus 856
5201 AW ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Our companies

Are you a customer with one of the companies within Enexis Groep? And would you like to get in contact with our customer service? Via the following links you will find the information to get in touch with them:

Energy outage

Are you experiencing a gas- or electricity outage? Check the website of Enexis Netbeheer to see if the outage is known or report the outage via the nationaal outage number: 0800-9009.

If you have any other questions about your smart meter or home connection. Please contact the customer service of Enexis Netbeheer.