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Information for suppliers regarding corona

6 May 2020

In these unpredictable times, during which coronavirus is having a major impact on our daily life, Enexis Groep has taken the necessary safety measures. For example, we too are taking our responsibility to limit the further spread of coronavirus as much as possible.

Safety measures

The measures taken will apply, in any event, until 19 May. We are basing our measures on the policy of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment [Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)] and we are assessing what is necessary on a daily basis. We are basing all our considerations on three criteria: Safety is the number one priority, followed by continuity of energy supplies and care for each other.

We are continuing to work

Every day we are making a maximum effort to continue working and to continue supplying energy to everyone who needs it. All our activities are subject to a number of precautionary measures which have been put in place with your health and safety and that of our employees in mind. In addition to this a small portion of our work, which takes place in-house and which involves physical contact with customers, has been discontinued.

In addition to the above matters, local situations may arise which will delay, halt or otherwise hamper our work. These could take the form of local authority by-laws (e.g. excavation bans), changes relating to (commercial) customers and situations whereby the health and safety of our colleagues cannot be guaranteed, despite all the precautionary measures.

Looking for the right solution together

We regard suppliers as strategic partners. This means we consider the problems caused by coronavirus as a joint challenge and we are keen to find a solution together.

For that reason we want to ask you to communicate any foreseeable problems at the earliest opportunity via your regular contact person so that we can jointly look for suitable solutions.

frequently asked questions

Can I still expect orders for materials?
Orders for materials will continue until further notice, with the exception of materials for work that have been suspended.

Where can I report current or future delivery problems, such as the late delivery of materials as a consequence of coronavirus?
You can report any delivery problems via your regular contact person. Enexis will then contact you to coordinate things in more detail.

Can I unload materials at the Enexis Logistical Operation Centres (in Veldhoven and Hoogeveen) as normal?
The Logistic Operational Centers in Veldhoven and Hoogeveen are operational as usual. However, there are additional safety measures for unloading materials.

To enhance general safety measures, external drivers and suppliers should not enter the LOC. As such:
- Enexis employees will unload all materials presented at the loading docks.
- As the layout of LOC North and South differs, unloading procedures will be displayed at each location. Unloading procedures are straightforward, practical and clearly visible.
- All drivers and suppliers should adhere to the displayed procedures. Procedures are displayed in Dutch, English and German, as required by Enexis policy.
- Drivers may still use the toilet facilities and coffee machines.
- Unloading procedures outside the loading dock areas will not change.

In addition, and in accordance with RIVM policy, general safety precautions at our locations remain in force. We understand that these additional measures can be inconvenient and thank you for your cooperation.

Can I unload materials at the Enexis Logistical Service Points?
The Enexis Logistical Service Points are open as normal. However, precautionary measures apply at the Enexis locations. The regular obligations with regard to wearing personal protective equipment apply at the locations. A number of precautionary measures are also in force:

-No handshaking.
- Wash your hands regularly.
- Keep at least 1.5 metres from each other.
- Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
- Use tissues.
- If you experience any symptoms (such as a cold, sore throat, coughing and/or a fever), you should not visit our locations until the symptoms have completely disappeared.

Who should I contact if I have questions regarding the supply of materials to Enexis in relation to coronavirus?
If you have any questions, please contact your regular contact person at Enexis.